All script applications including forums or virtual shops save their data in a database - a group of cells and tables which contains all the site data such as items, prices, comments, and many others. Anytime you open a certain page, the script connects to the database and retrieves the needed information, then shows it. The intermediary software that connects the script and the database is called a database management system and among the most widely used ones is MySQL. The latter is frequently used because it can run on various platforms (Windows, UNIX, Linux) and with a number of scripting languages (Java, PHP, Perl, Python), not mentioning its great functionality even with large databases. A lot of widely used platforms such as WordPress or Joomla employ MySQL databases to keep their content.

MySQL 5 Databases in Cloud Hosting

Our Linux cloud hosting packages will allow you to host MySQL-driven Internet sites without any difficulty as our cloud platform has the latest management system version set up. You will be able to create, erase and manage your databases without difficulty via our custom Hepsia CP. If you'd like to migrate an Internet site from another web hosting company, you may use the phpMyAdmin tool which you could access via Hepsia, or you can connect remotely once you have enabled this feature for your IP address. In the same way you may also change certain cells or tables within any of your databases. Generating a backup is also easy and requires only a mouse click on the Backup button for a specific database. This feature will enable you to keep a copy of a site on your PC or to export the content of a certain database, modify it on your end using some software, and then import it back.