Disk Space in Cloud Hosting
We have developed our Linux cloud hosting packages with the concept that the hdd space should never be a setback for your web sites. While many hosting providers make accounts using one server, and in fact, the most famous Control Panels are made to operate solely on this type of platform, we've used an alternative strategy. We have clusters of servers that manage every element of the website hosting service, to ensure that your files will be stored on a single cluster, your emails on another one,the databases using a third one, etc. Through this cloud platform we accomplish a couple of things - the storage space is actually inexhaustible since we're able attach as many servers and hard disk drives to our clusters as required, and we increase the effectiveness of each and every machine due to the fact that just a single type of system processes will run on it. This custom setup will allow you to develop your web sites as you see fit without worrying about not having enough disk space.